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It’s time to heal your soul!


This is the embodiment of soul healing.

llumination™ is a brand new form of healing that has been delivered to us for our times. It works on a vibrational wave that all of us are now ready for. It's an energy that is far beyond balancing and easing the human. You see, unlike other modalities, it does not come through the practitioner. It is held by the practitioner. The human body can not yet hold this very high vibration, therefore, we as practitioners bring the energy of Illumination™ down and hold it, similar to holding space,  in order to use it. The Illumination flame will essentially burn away all the unnecessary bits and pieces that you carry that are getting in your way of you reaching your full vibrational wave. The flame will reach into your soul to bring forward the leftover parts that your soul has been carrying for lifetimes. It has a way of reaching into your soul contract and soul family experiences to calm the parts that may still be inflamed or lingering. You might even think of it as a shortcut to healing your soul.

Illumination™ is a healing modality transmitted directly to me, Andrea Kukulka, on February 2nd of 2020. This was a very powerful experience. From the beginning, I realized how much stronger this energy would be and how much more it would do. I was instantly made aware of how hot the flame burns and how high the vibration of this is. I learned a lot about it as I continued to work with it. I can now tell you that this comes from the very high 12th dimension and its pure love beings of light. The more I use it the more I learn about what it's capable of doing. 

This flame intensely burns off what doesn't serve you. Not only on the surface of what your human BEing is experiencing but all the way into your soul.


Clients have described being left with an incredible lightness of being. They tell me of a feeling of being placed in the earth and deeply cleansed by Mother Gaia herself, that all the best parts of them remained inside of them and that all the lower energy parts of them were washed through them and released to the earth. Read some testimonials here in the blue boxes. 


Illumination™ energy healing will work with you on what is going on in your life at this time to ease the soul's lesson. This is the kind of spiritual, emotional, and soul healing that makes a lasting difference.

In addition to using this modality in its purest form, I also use this to do one-on-one Ancestral Healing work, group Heart Activations, and Soul Contract Negotiation.


The focus with Illumination™ Healing is to burn off all the lower energies that create density in the body, thereby naturally increasing your vibration. After even one session you'll notice your ability to move forward with ease. You'll tackle many of the things that once overwhelmed you. The difference in your vibration will open you to pure joy.


Some of the
Sub-Healing of Illumination

Soul Contract Negotiations

Each lesson we learn for ourselves is another lesson that another soul has assisted us. They are also learning something at the same time. In this space between lifetimes, we write contracts to get the work done together, keeping in mind that these contracts are written for both souls and sometimes more souls. ​​

Illumination™ lives in this same space where the contracts are written. This is why Illumination is so easily used to renegotiate these contracts. You see, the human has no control because the contract has already been written. However, Illumination™ can renegotiate these contracts. When working with an Illumination™ practitioner you can move, remove, negotiate, renegotiate many things including these contracts.


Heart Activation Codes
This is true for the heart activation codes as well. Once you receive them, whether in a one-on-one session or in a group setting, when you have them you have them forever! They will always be there for you to tap into whenever you feel the need to open and/or expand your heart. ​

Life gives us many reasons to grab a hold of our hearts and to freeze them still or close them down. These codes will bring you back to your natural state of being, which is to live with an open heart. Once received, it's up to you to let that open heart flow outward. When we're in our natural flow, anything is possible!


Ancestrial Healing

There are so many things that happen to a person within their lifetime that we are constantly working to heal. We are now more and more often becoming aware of the wounds that our ancestors carried with them also. When we become aware of this it is typically because we can do something to help them to heal. As a soul evolves, it heals. As the living human, we're in charge of our own healing first. We get to assist in the healing of others as we evolve also. Imagine how much joy would come from your parent's, grandparent's, great grandparent's, etc. healing too. Imagine if their souls were still receiving healing, how much more gentle your life and your children's lives would be.Healing any soul will benefit all the people around. Just imagine what it does to a soul that you share DNA with! Our genetic makeup is so much more than just our DNA, it's lessons and traumas that can get handed down from generation to generation. If we can help from the beginning of that chain, that changes all the effects of each trauma and lesson all the way down to us and to our children. Yes, the situations are still there, within us. But the resulting effect changes. It's a very powerful thing that you can do for so many of your people.


Gina N. ~ MA

I feel like I’ve been flushing out of all old behaviors that no longer serve me. I have more clarity about my reactive behavior (triggers).


I have much more empathy towards myself (and little Gina) as well as others. I’m feeling grounded, centered, and supported. All good things to report. :)))) excited for my next session.




Gayle N ~ MA

wanted to let you know that Xxxxxxx is doing really well since our Illumination session. She hasn't had any sad or traumatic thoughts... she has her sparkle back too. She's doing really well with school. It's like I've got my carefree girl back again.


It seems like that session did a world of good for her.

Thank You


Pat C. ~ San Diego

I recently experienced an Illumination healing With Andrea and after having had many amazing healings in the past this one was one of the most profound.


I’ve had several healings with her and they have all been at a distance. It makes no difference if you’re in person or not. The energy arrives in full force. It has no boundaries.

~Pat C. San Diego CA


Illumination Center
116 N Main Street Mansfield MA 02048 

Holistic Healing Center
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